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Movements of a Remnant (visual music) 5'00''   –  2022

Movements of a Remnant is a visual music work created from simple structural sequences that generate and modify audiovisual elements from a single 'abstract' source. The raw material used for the structures comes from the personal medical file of the composer, which includes various records of fetal monitoring during pregnancy and childbirth as the data source that feeds the dynamics of audiovisual interaction.


Master in Music Technology Dissertation (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) "Sistemas Audiovisuales: Procesos de Mediación Digital en la Música Visual Contemporánea"


Kathleen Mykytyn Distinguished Composition Award 2022 (2nd Place) Arizona State University (USA)
NodoCCS: International Videoart Festival 2022 | El Raise Galería, Caracas, (VZ)

Visiones Sonoras 2023 | CMMAS, Morelia (MX)

MoDo Caracas 2023 | Caracas (VZ)

SEAMUS 2023 | Rhizome Concerts, U.L (USA)

Premio Casa las Américas 2023 | La Habana (CU)

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