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Sofía Matus Cancino (b.1994) is a composer and digital artist whose work explores the convergence of visual music, embodied sound, and algorithmic composition.

Matus studied piano at the Conservatory of Music of the State of Mexico (COMEM, 2007-12). She graduated with honors from both the B.A. in Digital Art (UAEMEX, 2012-17) and the M.A. in Music Technology, at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. (UNAM, 2020-22). She is a former member of the INTAC network (International Art Collaborations 2015-18) being the facilitator and mentor of the collective in Mexico. Within INTAC, she collaborated with students and faculty at several Universities, such as TAMK(FIN), OCADu(CAD), and the Osaka University of Arts(JP).

Her work has been showcased at several contemporary music and visual art festivals such as SEAMUS, NodoCCS, Sound:Frame, Visiones Sonoras, PRISMS, Music by Women Festival among others.

Sofía has studied with renowned composers such as Rodrigo Sigal,  Fernanda Navarro, Gabriel Bolaños, Hugo Solís and João Pedro Oliveira. She has been honored with composition awards from Arizona State University, Bent Frequency Underscore, and the Ministry of Culture of the State of Mexico. She is a Doctoral Candidate and a Teaching Assistant at Arizona State University, where she holds a Presidential Graduate Assistantship.




Sofía Matus Cancino (n. 1994) es una compositora y artista digital cuyo trabajo explora la convergencia entre la música visual, el arte sonoro y la composición algorítmica.

Matus estudió piano en el Conservatorio de Música del Estado de México (COMEM, 2007-2012). Se graduó con honores tanto de la Licenciatura en Arte Digital (UAEMEX, 2012-2017) como de la Maestría en Tecnología Musical en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM, 2020-2022). Es exmiembro de la red INTAC (International Art Collaborations, 2015-2018), donde fue facilitadora y mentora del colectivo en México. Dentro de INTAC, colaboró con estudiantes y profesores de diversas universidades como TAMK (FIN), OCADu (CAN) y la Universidad de las Artes de Osaka (JP).

Su trabajo ha sido presentado en diversos festivales de música contemporánea y arte visual como SEAMUS, NodoCCS, Sound:Frame, Visiones Sonoras, PRISMS, Music by Women Festival, entre otros.

Sofía ha estudiado con reconocidos compositores como Rodrigo Sigal, Fernanda Navarro, Hugo Solís, João Pedro Oliveira, y Gabriel Bolaños. Ha sido galardonada con premios de composición por Arizona State University (ASU), Bent Frequency Underscore y la Secretaría de Cultura del Estado de México. Actualmente es candidata doctoral y asistente de cátedra en Arizona State University, donde recibió una beca de posgrado presidencial.

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